Church Public

Spiritual War in America? Trans Day on Easter?

April 02, 2024 Church Public Season 1 Episode 383

Today in Current Events from a Christian Perspective:

Happy Easter or as I like to say, Happy Resurrection Day. 
We have moved through Holy Week from Palm Sunday and the Triumphal Entrance of Jesus the King to the Upper Room where Jesus led the Passover remembrance feast and then transformed the oldest ritual into the New Covenant of the Lord's Supper. 
Then we went through Good Friday, named not for the good of the circumstances, but the good which was brought by Jesus sacrifice.
Finally, we rejoice in Resurrection Sunday where we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, not just because he is alive, but because we have life through him. Hallelujah!

While this was all happening in a local church near you, devout Catholic Joe Biden decides that Easter is not really an important holiday of the Christian faith instead opting to replace it with the Trans Day of Visibility. Yeah sure, this unrealistic and very new expression of of the LGBTQ%^&* cult has been around for apparently 15 years, but his choice this year was clear and it was highlighted, not just once but over and over and over again. Oh, and don't draw a cross on your Easter egg decoration or that is banned too. 

To repeat a phrase I use a lot:
Which way western man, Christ or chaos, you can only choose one.
At Church Public we create compelling content to equip you to follow Jesus and engage in the public square including Current Events from a Christian Perspective.

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